🚨Emergency Funeral Service🚨
24 hours
3 days 2 nights Funeral Bereavement Wake Burial
✝Christian Funeral基督教✝殡仪配套由 from RM14,800* 起.
🙏Buddhist Funeral佛教🙏殡仪配套由 from RM19,800* 起.

Lowest Price Niche
Single Niche from 单位骨灰位由 RM5,340* 起.
Double Niche from 雙位骨灰位由 RM10,040*

Funeral Service Package


With our unrivaled professionalism and expertise, we provide a comprehensive suite of funeral services to cater to the needs of different faiths and all walks of life. We also offer funeral related products and services, including caskets, urns, cremation memorialization products, Taoist and Buddhist handcrafted paper models, flowers, catering services, photography and other ancillary services. We provide funeral services at our funeral homes, third-party owned funeral homes, churches and the homes of our customers. Our funeral packages are tailored to our customers’ requirements, according to their respective cultural and religious practices.

Our funeral packages are offered both on an as-needed and pre-needed basis. Our ‘as-needed’ products and services are available to customers who require an immediate need for a funeral service upon the demise of their loved ones. On the other hand, our ‘pre-needed’ products and services are made available for customers who wish to preplan their own or their loved ones’ funeral services.



White Ladies 白衣天使

1st in Malaysia 全马首创

White Ladies~Respect for Women
Preserving the dignity of your departed loved ones

    • A service respect for women
    • To preserved the dignity of a female deceased member
    • According her with the highest respect and honor
    • Professionally trained to render their immaculate services for deceased female bodies
    • All-female team to include funeral rites master, embalmer, mortuary make-up artist and master of ceremony


    • 全程处理女性遗体,决不让男性接触,触摸甚至观望
    • 细心维护玉洁冰清之躯,给予女性逝者至高无上的尊重
    • 包括有全为女性的仪容师,防腐师,礼仪师及司仪
    • 负责防腐,洁身,遗体修复,化妆至殓服的工作

    *Within 35km from HQ only
    **Outstation charge: from RM500

Buddhist / Taoist Package
佛教 / 道教

• 24-Hour careline 提供24小时礼仪咨询
• Reporting death and obtaining burial clearance//permit 申报死亡,领取死亡与下葬证书
• Use of canopy or standard parlour 在丧府使用特色大棚或富贵标准追思礼堂设灵
• Casket 寿木 • Urn 骨灰瓮
• Cremation or burial 使用火化场或土葬仪式
• Offering (Fruits and vegetarian) 3天2夜的水果与素食祭品
• Longevity costume 入验用品 • Mourning garment 孝服
• Professional handcrafted paper model with decorative lights 精工制作纸扎(1套)
• Joss sticks and prayer materials 元宝蜡烛(1套)
• Confectionery gifts糖果礼品
• Use of hearse 灵车
• **Night Buddhist/Taoist prayer service 2晚诵经打斋 (佛教 / 道教)
• **Light refreshment 备办轻便糕点咖啡茶
• **Professional music band 專業音樂隊(1組)
• **Limousine 禮車1輛(單程使用)
• **40 seater AirCond Bus 40人座送殯冷氣巴士1輛(雙程使用)
**Limited to只限NV Honour / NV Elegant only


NV Honour (Buddhist / Taoist)
富贵如意 (佛教 / 道教)

3 Days 2 Nights Wake Service
三天兩晚殡仪服务 - VIP Package
at Home or Nirvana Parlour (Cremation / Burial)
​在丧府或殡仪礼堂 (火化 / 土葬)

即用价 RM 43,700 ( As Need / Instant Case )
预购优惠价 RM 37,800* ( Pre-Planning Promotion )
Pre-Planning discount RM 5,900 预购折扣 ( Total Saving )

Cash优惠价 RM 34,800* ( Full payment Promotion )
*Subjected to 30 days grace period

*Interest Free Installment for 48 months
*30 days grace period for PrePlanning discount

Terms and conditions apply必须附合条规


NV Elegant (Buddhist / Taoist)
富贵安祥 (佛教 / 道教)

3 Days 2 Nights Wake Service
三天兩晚殡仪服务 - Standard Package
at Home or Nirvana Parlour (Cremation / Burial)
​在丧府或殡仪礼堂 (火化 / 土葬)

即用价 RM 34,800 ( As Need / Instant Case )
预购优惠价 RM 30,800* ( Pre-Planning Promotion )
Pre-Planning discount RM 4,000 预购折扣 ( Total Saving )

Cash优惠价 RM 28,800* ( Full payment Promotion )
*Subjected to 30 days grace period

*Interest Free Installment for 48 months
*30 days grace period for PrePlanning discount

Terms and conditions apply必须附合条规


NV Harmony (Buddhist / Taoist)
富贵永康 (佛教 / 道教)

3 Days 2 Nights Wake Service
三天兩晚殡仪服务 - Basic Package
at Home or Nirvana Parlour (Cremation / Burial)
​在丧府或殡仪礼堂 (火化 / 土葬)

即用价 RM 22,800 ( As Need / Instant Case )
预购优惠价 RM 20,800* ( Pre-Planning Promotion )
Pre-Planning discount RM 2,000 预购折扣 ( Total Saving )

Cash优惠价 RM 19,800* ( Cash Purchase Only )
*Subjected to 30 days grace period

*Interest Free Installment for 48 months
*30 days grace period for PrePlanning discount

Terms and conditions apply必须附合条规

Contact us to know more about Nirvana Funeral Service Package!

Buddhist/Taoist FSP Comparison (Pre-Planning Pricing)

Christian/Catholic/Soka Gakkai*

• 24-Hour careline 提供24小时礼仪咨询
• Reporting death and obtaining burial clearance/permit
• Use of canopy or standard parlour
• Casket 寿木 • Urn 骨灰瓮 • Candles, Cross 蠟燭,十字架
• Casket & Table Top Floral Decoration 棺頂和靈桌花飾
• Cremation or burial 使用火化场或土葬仪式
• Use of PA System 使用音響系統
• Use of Electronic Keyboard 使用電子琴鍵
• Use of Hearse 灵车
• **Floral Ornament 花團錦簇
• **Use of Hymm books 使用聖詩手冊
• **Light refreshment 备办轻便糕点咖啡茶
• **Limousine 禮車1輛(單程使用)
• **40 seater AirCond Bus 40人座送殯冷氣巴士1輛(雙程使用)
**Limited to只限NV Gracious

NV Gracious (Christian / Catholic / SGM)
富贵聖恩 (基督教 / 天主教 / 创价学会)

3 Days 2 Nights Wake Service
三天兩晚殡仪服务 - Standard Package
at Home or Nirvana Parlour (Cremation / Burial)
​在丧府或殡仪礼堂 (火化 / 土葬)

即用价 RM 22,300 ( As Need / Instant Case )
预购优惠价 RM 19,800* ( Pre-Planning Promotion )
Pre-Planning discount RM 2,500 预购折扣 ( Total Saving )

Cash优惠价 RM 18,800* ( Cash Purchase Only )
*Subjected to 30 days grace period

*Interest Free Installment for 48 months
*30 days grace period for PrePlanning discount

Terms and conditions apply必须附合条规


NV Blessing (Christian / Catholic)
富贵祝福 (基督教 / 天主教)

3 Days 2 Nights Wake Service
三天兩晚殡仪服务 - Basic Package
at Home or Nirvana Parlour (Cremation / Burial)
​在丧府或殡仪礼堂 (火化 / 土葬)

即用价 RM 17,800 ( As Need / Instant Case )
预购优惠价 RM 15,800* ( Pre-Planning Promotion )
Pre-Planning discount RM 2,000 预购折扣 ( Total Saving )

Cash优惠价 RM 14,800/* ( Cash Purchase Only )
*Subjected to 30 days grace period

*Interest Free Installment for 36 months
*30 days grace period for PrePlanning discount

Terms and conditions apply必须附合条规

Contact us to know more about Nirvana Funeral Service Package!

Christian/Catholic FSP Comparison (Pre-Planning Pricing)

FAQ : Funeral Service Package 殡仪服务配套

As Need 即用

AsNeed or 'as-needed' products and services applies to all instant case where the customers require the funeral service immediately upon the demised of their loved ones

PreNeed 预购

PreNeed or "pre-needed" product and services are for anyone who wished to PrePlan and purchase the FSP earlier for their own or their loved ones' to enjoy the discount on the package and installment up to 24 months to 36 months.

Our funeral services are available at our funeral homes, third-party funeral homes, churches and at the customer home.


FSP can be exercised at following area :
📍Sg Besi Parlour
📍Nirvana 2 Parlour (Harmony & Blessing to add RM1,000)
📍Shah Alam Parlour (fr Oct)
📍At Home
📍Klang Taman Sentosa Parlour
📍Klang Fairy Park Parlour
📍Jinjang Parlour 曾江济善堂
📍PJ Gui Yuan 归园
📍Guang Tong Parlour 广东义山殡仪馆

We offer several different packages to cater the need for Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Catholic or Soka Gakkai


Minimum 30 days waiting period is needed before the FSP can be used, else it would be considered as AsNeed/Instant cases.

If the FSP is required before the installment ends, the balance of the installment amount must be settled.



For home cases, please make a police report in the nearest police station or DBKL (for age 60 and above).

For hospital cases, the hospital will issue the death certificate on the spot.

For any other cases which includes accidents, suicide, murder, etc, please contact our agents for assistance.




Funeral services purchased in Klang Valley are available in Klang Valley area. For FSP in Nirvana branches in other states, please contact our agents for more information.




  • 掌控主權,有商有量,避免意見衝突,破壞感情。

  • 冷靜面對,圓滿處理,避免兒女在外,倉促決定。

  • 妥善安排,清楚交代,避免不知所措,重重打擊。

  • 愛心延續,孝心回饋,避免心煩意亂,手忙腳亂。

  • 鎖定價格,節省經費,避免通膨衝擊,額外負擔。

  • 早日投資,無憂無慮,避免無法之徒,偷搶騙刮。

  • 提前支付,免息分期,避免一次付清,加重負擔。

  • 國際品牌,專業團隊,避免任人擺佈,漫天開價。

  • 預購優惠,事前諮詢,不怕貨比三家,價格透明。

10 Great Benefits


    • Be in-control of what is needed, sit-down and discuss among self, avoid any unnecessary conflicts and hard feeling.
    • Face the situation in a calm-manner to ensure a proper and complete send-off. Conclude and decide the matter in case the other children weren’t around or back in time.
    • With a proper arrangement planned ahead, and requirement are drawn, one can avoid any misjudgement which lead to wrong decision making, resulting undesired outcome.
    • Eternal love, and continuation of filial-piety is preserved. Avoid the confused and upset mind-set.
    • Early purchases, secure the price while it’s low, avoid inflation and price hike in the later years.
    • Early investment and purchase assures one a total peace of mind, avoiding one from scam of lies and cheaters in purchasing in as-need cases.
    • With low-down payment and 0% interest-free-instalment, avoid financial difficulties in paying upfront a huge lump sum which add-on the financial burden.
    • A well-established brand, Nirvana Asia, with a team of professional service providers, with no hidden-charges that shocks you at the end of day.
    • On-going promotions and professional consultancy services for your needs, there is no need to worry of going out to look for your desired ‘home’ with price transparency.

Contact us to know more about Nirvana Funeral Service Package!

Customer Reviews

Heritage Court 百孝林

Shah Alam Collabarium 莎亚南骨灰塔

Contact us to know more about Nirvana Funeral Service Package!